May 12Liked by Agnes Crawford

Next time I’m in Rome I want to go there with you

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with great pleasure!

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Aug 1Liked by Agnes Crawford

We were walking in your footsteps in Subiaco yesterday and the revisiting after about 30 years was certainly worth it. Your hinting at the restored fresco’s of the refettorio made me ask for it at the sagrestia. Although I had made no reservation to get access, fortunately it was not busy at all (37 degrees C, who would have thought to go there but us..). The organist/guide was willing to go there with us, so we had a very private visit to this closed part of the monastery. And it was a marvel to see these almost pristine fresco’s.

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Splendid, I'm delighted you had a good visit. Midweek in high summer is indeed a good time to go!

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I love going to Subiaco especially on a week day when it’s (sometimes) not so busy. I can’t image doing the walk up like pilgrims would have. I was completely in awe of St Onofrius’ beard the first time I saw it unable to figure out if his dress is made of his actual beard or not 😂 - hairy indeed!

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May 11Liked by Agnes Crawford

Thank you Agnes for these wonderful pictures and it was so fascinating to read about St Benedict and these beautiful ancient frescoes too .

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May 11Liked by Agnes Crawford

Thank you Agnes for bringing back wonderful memories of our fabulous day with you at Subiaco and Prenestina.

I still have vivid memories of the unexpected and overwhelming impact that the amazing frescos had on me as we entered the upper church. Made me feel quite teary - I guess I just wasn’t expecting it.

This to be followed by that delicious lunch in a tiny mountain village in a restaurant clinging to the side of a cliff.

The final treat you gave us was to be sitting on a bench at Palestrina in front of the huge Nilotic Mosaic as we floated down or up (never get that right) the Nile surrounded by its flora and fauna, discovering the myriad little vignettes as we reached the delta. It had so much more meaning for us because we’d just spent 3 days sailing in a wooden dahabiya from Aswan to Luxor! An unforgettable day. Thank you.

John and Ellie Picone - Sydney.

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that was a great day!

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May 11Liked by Agnes Crawford

Fabulous and fine writing and images. Thank you.

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May 11Liked by Agnes Crawford

Thanks for this Agnes, wonderful descriptions. I have been there many times but didn't know that Nero's ruins had been recycled for the floors. After the visit I've had lunch at the refectory of Santa Scolastica, don't know if this still is available.

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